Our spirit of spreading love with coffee is not just by opening coffee shops, but really using our coffee speciality to help the soul glow and shine !
In collaboration with ERBPAL—The Asia HK Federation of Re-skilling Professionals, LPS is proud to give a hand with promoting career development to the golden ager.
Brother Kwong, a retired man just turning 60 and had completed ”The Barista Re-training Course”. His first cup of coffee, which was blended with Brandy, was tasted in Macau when he was 18. Another flavour he likes most is Macau’s authentic coffee with lemon slices. That did give him an unforgettable experience.
Joining the Barista Training Course, Brother Kwong acquired the skills of coffee brewing. He was also inspired by his tutor, Ms Celia Wong, that coffee is the art of living. An idea of running a laundry shop with coffee stand then came to his mind.
His tutor and mentor as well, Ms Celia Wong, had been supporting him to launch the coffee cart next to the laundry shop. This is an opportunity for Brother Kwong to spark the fire of starting business in his second life. Hoping to share the happiness of coffee brewing and give training to other golden agers in future, he named his coffee cart as ”Shine”. It has the same meaning of ”Kwong” in Chinese. As the light, he would shine bright everywhere he goes.
Setting up a coffee cart next to the laundry shop at Dragon Centre by collaboration with ERBPAL and LPS, and supported by TY Caring Foundation and Fruit Garden Social Enterprise, we make the elder-preneurship ”Shine” happen! Good coffee is meant to be shared. LPS wish Brother Kwong could share his passion with his coffee signature – lemon honey drip coffee to customers.
『光』咖啡 – 金齡創業
以咖啡傳頌愛 — 我們不只是開設咖啡店,更是要憑藉咖啡專業成就他人,讓生命發光發亮。
與「 ERBPAL亞洲香港再培訓專業聯合會」合作推動再培訓就業,「西九龍中心」及「LPS」將誠意臂助,扶助金齡人士發展職志。
邁進第二人生,光仔參加了再培訓咖啡調製員訓練課程,藉此開啟了金齡創業之大門。 透過專業培訓導師黃秀清女士的指導,光仔掌握沖煮咖啡的技巧及品嚐咖啡的方法,領略到咖啡不只是飲品,而是一種生活藝術,是可與洗衣店概念連結起來,推動本地洗衣咖啡店生活文化。
黃秀清導師發現光仔有創業的夢想,因此幫助他發展第二人生的機會,並以「光咖啡」為名,讓他實現金齡展才華,能夠積累經驗繼而成為訓練導師, 像光一樣照亮著世界每個角落,帶動更多人在金齡歲月綻放光彩。
獲「天乙慈愛基金」和「果園社企」支持,「 ERBPAL 亞洲香港再培訓專業聯合會」特此與「西九龍中心」和「LPS」協商合作,在洗衣店旁協作開設咖啡角,推動再培訓就業,令金齡人士發展才能創夢成真!更希望光仔可以指導其他老友記學習冲煮咖啡,製作他特別調配的檸檬蜂蜜咖啡,跟大家分享咖啡的樂趣 。
Meet 光仔, a retired elder searching for a second life. With the childhood interest in coffee he took the ERBPAL coffee program and was educated by coffee professor Miss Wong Jing Jing. Throughout the duration of the course, Miss. Wong found a spark in 光仔’s coffee dream and started to reach out to see how to help him find a second life in the interest he once had. 光仔 always had a dream to open a coffee cart next to a laundry shop. Thus saying ERBPAL had noticed that LPS would be able to give a hand as we have accolades of being known for smallest coffee shop in Hong Kong and also living to our day to day motto. “GOOD COFFEE IS MEANT TO BE SHARED!”
With this collaboration LPS will be assisting NGO TY Caring Foundation and ERBPAL to set up a coffee corner at Dragoncentre Mall Sham Shui Po. Creating a dream happening opportunity for 光仔. We hope the second life program of 光仔 will ignite more individuals to follow their dreams like himself.
光仔年青時是從事運動器材組裝及工程相關的行業, 自己也是一個熱愛運動,熱愛生命,凡事親力親為 ,他一直希望開一間洗衣店。
尋找機遇的同時,光仔參加了再培訓咖啡調製員訓練,現時亦在修讀包餅製作,藉此開啟了金齡創夢之大門。 透過培訓導師Miss Wong的指導,光仔掌握沖煮咖啡的技巧及品嚐咖啡的方法, 領略到咖啡不只是飲品,而是一種生活藝術,是可與洗衣店概念連結起來,推動本地 Laundry n coffee 生活文化,帶動金齡人士發展才能;更希望可以跟其他老友記一起,有機會站上崗位成為咖啡師,跟大眾分享做咖啡的樂趣 。
透過與ERBPAL「亞洲香港再培訓專業聯合會」一起協作,光仔有更多機會參與和實踐,包括最近在西九龍中心聯同多個社企社福機構舉行的公益展銷活動。未來亦會參與ERBPAL培訓導師 Miss Wong 帶領的工作坊,在創業路上邁步。
光仔身體力行,希望獲得社會人士支持,實現金齡展才能, 帶動更多人在金齡歲月綻放光彩。”